Valleyview Secondary — School in Kamloops

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Valleyview Secondary

School at 1950 Valleyview Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 4C2, Canada, Kamloops, British Columbia, V2C 4C2 . Here you will find detailed information about Valleyview Secondary: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


British Columbia
1950 Valleyview Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 4C2, Canada, Kamloops, British Columbia, V2C 4C2
V2C 4C2

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About Valleyview Secondary

Valleyview Secondary is a UK School based in Kamloops, British Columbia. Valleyview Secondary is located at 1950 Valleyview Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 4C2, Canada,

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Reviews of Valleyview Secondary

  • Luna
    Added 2016.07.31
    love the school. Its great
  • Hudson
    Added 2014.12.29
    I wouldn't go here as we already have way too many student and it's cramped. However, it's a pretty ok school. It's not the worst I've been to, that's for sure.
  • Aiden
    Added 2013.10.15
    ValleyView Secondary School is an absolute ignominy to School District #73. Furthermore this is my second year at VSS and I pity going to this school for the following reasons. 1. The hallways are flooded with moronic people who have possession of drugs, alcohol, and weapons, moreover if you report the moronic people to the office with photo evidence and multiple witnesses they do bare minim if anything about it. 2. The school is unsanitary I was sick for two months first with one flu followed by another with only a week break in between and I never got sick before going here. But please don't get me wrong the janitor is so hard working its just the kids are so gross I guess she can't keep up with all the work. Moreover the hallways are littered with garbage and the microwaves are disgusting because of how many people that try ton blow there food up in the and thats not even the part that the lines to warm up your food are so long it's not worth it. 3. As I mentioned before this is my second year at VSS and I have made no friends and I don't know why since I,m nice, smart and I would not call myself ugly also I put other people before myself and hold the door open, but I can be rather more observant then talkative. 4. The kids are rude backstabbing gossiping beings or there mental. Moreover Being a metalhead myself I recommend if you're a metalhead to don't go here because all the other metal heads are fake or messed up. 5. If you have no friends or even only talk to one person and sit by yourself people will tell you to make friends or that you look depressed or they will stare at you with pity or the I feel sorry for you but I'm not going to do anything about look. 6. My socials teacher thinks I'm depressed and that I want to kill myself and that I may have metal health preambles although I don't and it's just because I don't act up in class and I actually do my work. So there you have it thats what the schools like and its the truth. Also I'm sorry for my bad grammar and punctation I wrote this in a rush just so I could let people know about this school. Also this school may be awful it's the best in Kamloops so if you're going to move here with kids please home school them if possible or send them to the christian school that school is actually the best in Kamloops. :) Thank You for taking your time to read this have a nice rest of your day.
  • Noah
    Added 2013.08.19
    Can't see all you haters through my love shades
  • Sophie
    Added 2013.04.12
    @isaac.cringe ig
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